218 results where found for «Answer Me»
- Music piece by:Attributed to Charles Albert Tindley
- Testimony by:Alfonso Padilla Silva
- Experience in:Cárcel de Concepción / Cárcel El Manzano, December 1974
- Tags:
- « When the concentration camp that operated for nearly five months at the Regional Stadium of Concepción was closed in early February 1974, hundreds of political prisoners were transferred to the Concepción Prison, a wing of which was turned into a concentration camp. »
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- « We shall overcome someday »
- [Read full testimony]
- Music piece by:Sergio Vesely
- Testimony by:Sergio Vesely
- Experience in:
- Tags:
- « One cold winter night of 1975, the small clinic of Melinka, in the Puchuncaví Detention Camp, became the setting for a touching story. »
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- « A long time ago »
- [Read full testimony]
- Music piece by:Unknown
- Testimony by:anonymous
- Experience in:Cárcel de Valdivia / Cárcel de Isla Teja, September 1973
- Tags:
- « One time, a group of male and female evangelicals came to Teja Island to preach. They were taken to the visitors’ yard. »
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- « Sinner, come to sweet Jesus »
- [Read full testimony]
- Music piece by:anonymous Russian melody. During the Russian Revolution, several lyrics with different ideological content circulated. This version is based on 'Makhnovtchina', attributed to Nestor Makhno, Ukrainian anarchist revolutionary.
- Testimony by:Julio Laks Feller
- Experience in:Recinto DINA, José Domingo Cañas Nº 1367, September 1974
- Tags:
- « In late September 1974, the Soviet partisan’s song was intoned softly but with an awe-inspiring force in the José Domingo Cañas torture centre. »
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- « anonymous Russian melody. During the Russian Revolution, several lyrics with different ideological content circulated. This version is based on 'Makhnovtchina', attributed to Nestor Makhno, Ukrainian anarchist revolutionary. »
- [Read full testimony]
- Music piece by:All the women present at that moment in Chacabuco
- Testimony by:Mónica García Cuadra
- Experience in:Campamento de Prisioneros Chacabuco, Summer of 1974
- Tags:
- « I am the daughter of a former political prisoner who spent a long time imprisoned at Chacabuco, among other places. I am Monica, a little 9-year-old girl who travelled with a heavy heart full of sadness to visit her father, Gerardo García Salas, held at the Chacabuco concentration camp. I am an only child and in my young life, he is my sole reference point and, in essence, my image of masculinity. »
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- « All the women present at that moment in Chacabuco »
- [Read full testimony]
- Music piece by:Félix Luna (lyrics) and Ariel Ramírez (music). Popularised by Mercedes Sosa.
- Testimony by:Sergio Vesely
- Experience in:Villa Grimaldi, January 1975
- Tags:
- « It was not easy to endure being locked up in one of Villa Grimaldi’s miserable cells, which resembled vertical coffins. It was even harder in the high temperatures of the summer months of the Andes foothills in Peñalolén. I was inside one of those cells, blindfolded, my feet and hands in chains. »
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- « Félix Luna (lyrics) and Ariel Ramírez (music). Popularised by Mercedes Sosa. »
- [Read full testimony]
- Music piece by:Poni Micharvegas
- Testimony by:Luis Alfredo Muñoz González
- Experience in:Campamento de Prisioneros Cuatro Álamos, late February 1975
- Tags:
- « While I was in solitary confinement in Cuatro Álamos, one day I noticed there was a large room at the end of the corridor, which, overnight, the dinos had filled with prisoners. »
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- « when things happened without touching me »
- [Read full testimony]
- Music piece by:Violeta Parra
- Testimony by:Gabriela Durand
- Experience in:
- Tags:
- « I was 18, and already I had been tortured on the
parrilla several times. One day I was with some other comrade prisoners, and as sometimes happened, the guards put some music on. »- [...]
- « that brightens my calmed soul. »
- [Read full testimony]
- Music piece by:Violeta Parra
- Testimony by:David Quintana García
- Experience in:Intendencia de Rancagua, 1973
- Tags:
- « I spent 45 days in the torture centre of Intendencia de Rancagua. Previously, I was detained with my brothers in the headquarters of the Cuartel de Investigaciones de Rancagua. »
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- « that brightens my calmed soul. »
- [Read full testimony]
- Music piece by:The Turtles ('Elenore'), with new lyrics by Gianni Morandi
- Testimony by:Eduardo René Cuevas
- Experience in:Cárcel de Los Ángeles, September 1973
- Tags:
- « This song was a workhorse for the prisoners. Iván Moscoso sang it, accompanied by a guitar, in a powerful and defiant voice, and the most altruistic among us sung along in the presence of the gendarme guards, in a courtyard that was only for political prisoners. »
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- « but that is not what makes me sad. »
- [Read full testimony]
- « I was 18, and already I had been tortured on the