907 results where found for «Cárcel de Concepción / Cárcel El Manzano»

Free (Libre)

Music piece by:
José Luis Armenteros and Pablo Herrero, popularised by Nino Bravo.
Testimony by:
Marianella Ubilla
Experience in:
« I was taken prisoner on 23 November 1973, at the University of Concepción. In the Regional Stadium of Concepción, we had to sing the National Anthem every day. »
« Campamento Prisioneros Estadio Regional, Concepción »
[Read full testimony]

Song of a Middle-Class Man (Canción de un hombre medio)

Music piece by:
Sergio Vesely
Testimony by:
Sergio Vesely
Experience in:
« In our political discussions, we always spoke disdainfully of the middle class. In the view of the Marxist ideologues in prison, that sector of society supported the dictatorship and it was necessary to reverse that trend. »
«  (Revolutionary Left Movement) Left-wing political organisation founded in 1965 at the Univ. of Concepción. »
[Read full testimony]

Prayer So You Don't Forget Me (Oración para que no me olvides)

Music piece by:
Óscar Castro (words) and Ariel Arancibia González (music)
Testimony by:
Rosalía Martínez
Experience in:
« When Katia Chornik contacted me a few years ago asking me to provide my testimony about my musical experience in prison, I thought I didn’t have much to say. »
«  (Revolutionary Left Movement) Left-wing political organisation founded in 1965 at the Univ. of Concepción. »
[Read full testimony]

Recinto: III División del Ejército, Concepción
There are no testimonies about this detention centre.
If you had a musical experience about this detention centre, please share it here!

Recinto: Prefectura de Carabineros, Concepción
There are no testimonies about this detention centre.
If you had a musical experience about this detention centre, please share it here!

Recinto: Recinto CNI Concepción (dirección desconocida)
There are no testimonies about this detention centre.
If you had a musical experience about this detention centre, please share it here!

Recinto: Recinto CNI calle O’Higgins 239, Concepción
There are no testimonies about this detention centre.
If you had a musical experience about this detention centre, please share it here!

Recinto: Cuartel de Investigaciones, Concepción
There are no testimonies about this detention centre.
If you had a musical experience about this detention centre, please share it here!

Recinto: Comisaría de Carabineros Nº 5, Concepción (actual Comisaría de Carabineros Nº 2)
There are no testimonies about this detention centre.
If you had a musical experience about this detention centre, please share it here!

Recinto: Comisaría de Carabineros Nº 4, Concepción (actual Comisaría de Carabineros Nº 1)
There are no testimonies about this detention centre.
If you had a musical experience about this detention centre, please share it here!