338 results where found for «Canto a la Pampa»
- Music piece by:Claudio Durán Pardo
- Testimony by:Claudio Enrique Durán Pardo
- Experience in:Campamento de Prisioneros, Tres Álamos, September - December 1975
- Tags:
- « I first laid my hands on a quena when I was nine years old. It was resplendently fragile and lyrical. My passion for this instrument was immediate, or rather, the quena chose me. »
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- « During my incarceration in the Pavilion A of Tres Álamos, a quena landed in my hands. I don’t remember how. »
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- Music piece by:Fernando Z. Maldonado. Popularised by Vicente Fernández
- Testimony by:Jorge Montealegre Iturra
- Experience in:
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- « At the Chacabucan artistic shows, Hugo sang tangos, including 'Volver' (Return) by Gardel and Le Pera. »
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- « Back then, when he performed on the prison camp stage, he sang it mischievously and a sense of dark humour. This was expressed not only because of the real possibility of returning to the prison, but also by the gestures he made when singing 'Voy camino a la locura y aunque todo me tortura…' ('I’m on the road to madness and still everything tortures me...'). »
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- Music piece by:Poni Micharvegas
- Testimony by:Luis Alfredo Muñoz González
- Experience in:Campamento de Prisioneros Cuatro Álamos, late February 1975
- Tags:
- « While I was in solitary confinement in Cuatro Álamos, one day I noticed there was a large room at the end of the corridor, which, overnight, the dinos had filled with prisoners. »
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- Music piece by:Luis H. Profili
- Testimony by:Edgardo Carabantes Olivares
- Experience in:
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- « Horacio Carabantes Olivares, my brother, was locked up in January 1975 at the Maipo regiment of Valparaíso, with a large group of male and female prisoners, all arrested by the DINA. »
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- Music piece by:unknown. Folk tune from the Andes highlands
- Testimony by:Luis Cifuentes Seves
- Experience in:Campamento de Prisioneros Chacabuco, January - February 1974
- Tags:
- « Agreeing to a suggestion from Ricardo, Los de Chacabuco learned and arranged this tune. In the
Andean high plateau , the tune is a satirical reference to lawyers and, by implication, to civil servants. It is performed at carnival time. »- [...]
- « The most important thing for us when we were rehearsing and recording was the memory of our great and admired friend Marcelo Concha: we did it as a homage to him. It was a labour of friendship and respect. »
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- Music piece by:Sergio Vesely
- Testimony by:Sergio Vesely
- Experience in:
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- « This song, written in my cell at the Puchuncaví Prison Camp, speaks to a friend and fellow prisoner; it could be any one of the thousands behind bars. »
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- « Paper boat (barco de papel): We had a habit of wishing farewell to our comrades who were released or about to be transferred to other prisons. People who were not fortunate enough to be included in the group would gather around those who were about to leave, a ritual that sometimes included singing Julio Numhausser’s beautiful song 'El barco de papel'. The first verse goes like this: 'Se va el barco de papel por el mar de la esperanza, llevando un montón de sueños y los niños no lo alcanzan. Se va, se va y no volverá. Se va, se va a la libertad.' (The paper boat sails to a sea of hope, carrying dreams and children can’t reach it. There it goes, there it goes, and it will never return. There it goes, there it goes to freedom.). »
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- Music piece by:Julio Numhauser, popularised by the band Amerindios
- Testimony by:José Selín Carrasco Vargas
- Experience in:
- Tags:
- « While we were imprisoned in Melinka, this song was sung every time that one of us was released. I remember a fellow prisoner nicknamed Bigote Molina (Moustache Molina) singing the song when we were going to Tres Álamos, from where we would be released a few days later. »
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- « We would change the lyrics of the song to “se va, se va, se va a la libertad” ("going away, going away, going away to freedom"). »
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- Music piece by:Eusebio Lillo and Ramón Carnicer
- Testimony by:Sergio Vesely
- Experience in:
- Tags:
- « The Puchuncaví Prisoners Camp had a daily routine similar to that of military regiments. In a ridiculous ceremony, the flag was raised every morning at dawn and then it was taken down at nightfall. »
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- « But, looking at it with different eyes, it also was amusing, because it gave us another chance to sing at the top of our voices the line that goes: “Que o la tumba serás de los libres, o el asilo contra la opresión” (May you be the grave of the free or the refuge from oppression). »
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- Music piece by:Eduardo Serrano
- Testimony by:Luis Cifuentes Seves
- Experience in:Campamento de Prisioneros Chacabuco, January – February 1974
- Tags:
- « This is one of the songs the band Los de Chacabuco arranged and performed at the weekly show authorised by the military. »
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- « The shows were held in a large compound (which could hold over 1,000 people) that was prepared by the prisoners themselves. A stage had been built at a height enabling a good view of the artists. »
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- Music piece by:Patricio Manns
- Testimony by:Renato Alvarado
- Experience in:
- « Agreeing to a suggestion from Ricardo, Los de Chacabuco learned and arranged this tune. In the