338 results where found for «Canto a la Pampa»
- Music piece by:Sergio Vesely
- Testimony by:Sergio Vesely
- Experience in:Cárcel de Valparaíso, 1976
- Tags:
- « Visitors’ day was an exceptional day that broke the monotonous routine of all the other days of the week. »
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- « Today the cell was a palace of laughter »
- [Read full testimony]
- Music piece by:Sergio Vesely
- Testimony by:Sergio Vesely
- Experience in:Cárcel de Valparaíso, 1976
- Tags:
- « In our political discussions, we always spoke disdainfully of the middle class. In the view of the Marxist ideologues in prison, that sector of society supported the dictatorship and it was necessary to reverse that trend. »
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- « Then they proclaimed order »
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- Music piece by:Federico García Lorca (words), Paco Ibáñez (music)
- Testimony by:Luis Alfredo Muñoz González
- Experience in:Campamento de Prisioneros Cuatro Álamos, February - March 1975
- Tags:
- « According to scientists, memory and music processing are situated in a deep, ancestral part of the brain, where it is zealously guarded. »
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- « Through the branches of laurel »
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- Music piece by:Unknown. Popularised by Quilapayún
- Testimony by:Scarlett Mathieu
- Experience in:
- Tags:
- « In Cuatro Álamos, I was profoundly marked by the singing of a current detained-disappeared named Juan Chacón. He sang ‘En qué nos parecemos’, a love song from the Spanish Civil War. It remained engraved in me because that comrade disappeared from Cuatro Álamos. »
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- « Unknown. Popularised by Quilapayún »
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- Music piece by:Sergio Vesely
- Testimony by:Sergio Vesely
- Experience in:
- Tags:
- « I don’t want to exaggerate but Camp Melinka became not only a factory that produced handicrafts and a performance hall but also a university. »
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- « If the hired hand of my land »
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- Music piece by:Sergio Vesely
- Testimony by:Sergio Vesely
- Experience in:
- Tags:
- « 'Ñaca-ñaca' was an interjection we used at Camp Melinka whenever we wanted to signal and poke fun at any dark thought that might cross our minds. That may be why it seemed the ideal name to give to the paper maché puppet that played the role of the mean king in the puppet stories we performed to entertain the children who came to visit their captive fathers. »
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- « the palace guards snored, and snored. »
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- Music piece by:Sergio Vesely
- Testimony by:Renato Alvarado Vidal
- Experience in:Campamento de Prisioneros Melinka, Puchuncaví, May - October 1975
- Tags:
- « During the last third of the 20th century, the concentration camps of the Chilean dictatorship were characterised by a high grade of organisation among prisoners, as well as the overflowing creativity they applied to all areas of human ingenuity. »
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- « the palace guards snored, and snored. »
- [Read full testimony]
- Music piece by:Chicho Sánchez Ferlosio. Popularized by Quilapayún
- Testimony by:Claudio Melgarejo
- Experience in:Comisaría de Concepción, November 1973
- Tags:
- « I spent a week in captivity, in November 1973. I didn’t hear many songs, but the most popular ones sung by my comrades were 'Venceremos' (We Shall be Victorious) and 'Que la tortilla se vuelva' (May the Omelette Flip Over), also known as 'The Tomato Song', which portrays the bosses' exploitation of the workers. »
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- « Chicho Sánchez Ferlosio. Popularized by Quilapayún »
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- Music piece by:José Luis Armenteros and Pablo Herrero, popularised by Nino Bravo.
- Testimony by:anonymous
- Experience in:Campamento de Prisioneros, Estadio Nacional, September - November 1973
- Tags:
- « While waiting in the grandstands to be interrogated for the first, second or more times, we would sing 'Free' to those who were being lined up to be released. 'Free' was a catharsis, a mixture of joy for those who were going and hope for those of us left behind. Unfortunately, the dictatorship and its civil and military henchmen employed the song for their own propaganda. »
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- « José Luis Armenteros and Pablo Herrero, popularised by Nino Bravo. »
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- Music piece by:José Luis Armenteros and Pablo Herrero, popularised by Nino Bravo.
- Testimony by:Guillermo Orrego Valdebenito
- Experience in:
- Tags:
- « This song was performed in the Stadium grandstands by a worker from the Madeco factory: Peineta Vasquez, winner of a Song Festival that was organised at grassroots level, during the times when we were allowed to leave the spaces under the grandstands, inside the stadium, to sunbathe, together with women from various countries, before they got sent off to the pool area. »
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- « José Luis Armenteros and Pablo Herrero, popularised by Nino Bravo. »
- [Read full testimony]