178 results where found for «I Can Trust the Lord»
- Music piece by:Unknown
- Testimony by:Sigifredo Ramos Vásquez
- Experience in:Cárcel de Temuco, September - December 1973
- Tags:
- « My experience during our captivity can be summed up in this personal observation. Protest songs were forbidden, so we had no other option than to sing religious songs. »
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- « I can trust the Lord »
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- Music piece by:Unknown
- Testimony by:anonymous
- Experience in:Cárcel de Valdivia / Cárcel de Isla Teja, September 1973
- Tags:
- « One time, a group of male and female evangelicals came to Teja Island to preach. They were taken to the visitors’ yard. »
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- « I went one day and I encountered the music that I remembered from prison. I went forward and received the Lord. I’ve been an evangelical Christian ever since. »
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- Music piece by:Roberto Carlos
- Testimony by:Pedro Mella Contreras
- Experience in:Recinto CNI calle Pérez Rosales 764, Valdivia, September 1986
- Tags:
- « I was arrested when I was 32 years old, along with approximately 23 other people. »
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- « so I can split the catch when I land. »
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- Music piece by:Jorge Peña Hen
- Testimony by:María Fedora Peña
- Experience in:Cárcel de la Serena, October 1973
- Tags:
- « 'Look here, Maria Fedora. I’ve brought you a treasure', it was the voice of my brother Juan Cristián as he crossed the doorway of our mother’s house one morning in January 1983. »
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- « I can see my father standing, aged 45, his shoulder leaning against the wall, precisely under the beam of light that enters through the only slit in his isolation cell. »
- [Read full testimony]
- Music piece by:Collective creation
- Testimony by:Ignacio Puelma
- Experience in:Campamento de Prisoneros Ritoque, February 1975
- Tags:
- « The sound of the sea was carried over the cabins of the Ritoque Prison Camp by the wind. It was the daily music given to us as a gift by the ocean. »
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- « I can't quite remember - was it perhaps Luis Corvalán? At any rate, one of the miscreants, as we called The Hierarchy of the UP, who were separated from us in the concentration camp but were allowed to take part in the cultural activities, was the person who presented us with the award: a medal made from a coin and displaying a seagull, Ritoque's Seagull. »
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The Brief Space Where You Are Absent (El breve espacio en que no estás)
- Music piece by:Pablo Milanés
- Testimony by:Vilma Rojas Toledo
- Experience in:Cárcel de Coronel, 1986 - 1988
- Tags:
- « I recall that during my time as a political prisoner,
Pablo Milanés was one of our greatest companions. His songs filled us with life, helped us to keep breathing and living behind the bars imposed by Pinochet’s military dictatorship. »- [...]
- « Today, I can remember it and speak about it. I can say that when I hear his songs I am immediately transported back to those years in jail in the city of Coronel, to that woman who is a political prisoner of Pinochet’s dictatorship. I remember him as the great comrade he was, through his music and his songs. »
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- Music piece by:José Luis Armenteros and Pablo Herrero, popularised by Nino Bravo.
- Testimony by:Paicavi Painemal
- Experience in:Comisaría de Carabineros N° 2, Temuco, 22 April 1985
- Tags:
- « I’m from Chol Chol, part of the Coihue community. I was arrested along with 12 other people and they took us to the Second Police Station of Temuco. »
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- « When I remember the torture, 'Free' immediately comes to mind. But I can barely remember the melody, because I haven’t listened to Nino Bravo songs since then. »
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Prayer So You Don't Forget Me (Oración para que no me olvides)
- Music piece by:Óscar Castro (words) and Ariel Arancibia González (music)
- Testimony by:Rosalía Martínez
- Experience in:Campamento de Prisioneros Cuatro Álamos, November - December 1974
- Tags:
- « When Katia Chornik contacted me a few years ago asking me to provide my testimony about my musical experience in prison, I thought I didn’t have much to say. »
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- « For those who do not know about Cuatro Álamos, I can tell you that it was a transitory camp under the command of Orlando Manzo Durán, an officer on the prison service, and that it was run by the DINA. »
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- Music piece by:text by Saint Thomas Aquinas; music by Lorenzo Perosi
- Testimony by:Roberto Navarrete
- Experience in:Cárcel de Santiago, November 1973 - April 1974
- Tags:
- « The political prisoners’ cell block in Santiago Prison was established when they transferred many people from the National Stadium in October or November 1973. »
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- « I can only remember one of the pieces we sang: 'O salutaris Hostia', a religious song in several parts. »
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- Music piece by:lyrics: collective creation; music: 'Jálame la pitita' by Luis Abanto Morales (Peruvian polka)
- Testimony by:María Cecilia Marchant Rubilar
- Experience in:Cárcel de Mujeres Buen Pastor, La Serena, September 1973 - January 1974
- Tags:
- « We always sang this song when we were taken to Regimiento Arica. That was a torture centre. »
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- « Once in a while, they would get excited when we sang and would sing along with us, but I can't lose sight of the fact that they could have refused to receive political prisoners. »
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- « I recall that during my time as a political prisoner,