315 results where found for «Oraci������n para que no me olvides»

National Anthem of Chile

Music piece by:
Eusebio Lillo and Ramón Carnicer
Testimony by:
Sergio Vesely
« The Puchuncaví Prisoners Camp had a daily routine similar to that of military regiments. In a ridiculous ceremony, the flag was raised every morning at dawn and then it was taken down at nightfall. »
« Valparaíso »
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Moments (Los momentos)

Music piece by:
Eduardo Gatti
Testimony by:
Scarlett Mathieu
« ‘Moments’ was a song sung by the female comrades whose partners were imprisoned on the other side of Tres Álamos, or were fugitives or disappeared. We all sang it, but it was like their anthem. »
« We sang a lot ‘Palabras para Julia’ by Goytisolo and Ibáñez, ‘De cartón piedra’, ‘Lucía’ and ‘Vagabundear’ by Serrat, and ‘A los bosques’ by Lavandenz. »
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The Letter (La carta)

Music piece by:
Violeta Parra
Testimony by:
Pedro Mella Contreras
« In January 1987, when solitary confinement was lifted and we were able to receive visitors, a brother who lived in Santiago travelled to see me. »
« That song also made sense to the comrades who were with me. Several of them were students from Linares, Los Angeles and Valparaíso. »
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Lili Marlene

Music piece by:
Hans Leip
Testimony by:
Renato Alvarado Vidal
Experience in:
« During the daily flag-lowering ritual in the camp Melinka, the prisoners first had to get into formation in the courtyard and then walk in line to the location of the mast. »
« Valparaíso »
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King Ñaca Ñaca (El rey Ñaca Ñaca)

Music piece by:
Sergio Vesely
Testimony by:
Renato Alvarado Vidal
Experience in:
« During the last third of the 20th century, the concentration camps of the Chilean dictatorship were characterised by a high grade of organisation among prisoners, as well as the overflowing creativity they applied to all areas of human ingenuity. »
« Valparaíso »
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Trim the Sails (Brazas a ceñir)

Music piece by:
Luis Mella Toro
Testimony by:
César Montiel
« The Navy sailors made us sing every day, when we got up very early to raise the flag. We, as the squaddies, had to sing military songs, their songs. »
« Valparaíso »
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Recinto: Estadio Valparaíso, Playa Ancha
There are no testimonies about this detention centre.
If you had a musical experience about this detention centre, please share it here!

Recinto: Gobernación Marítima, Valparaíso
There are no testimonies about this detention centre.
If you had a musical experience about this detention centre, please share it here!

Recinto: Liceo Nº 2 de Niñas, Valparaíso
There are no testimonies about this detention centre.
If you had a musical experience about this detention centre, please share it here!

Recinto: Recinto Portuario entrada Molo Barcos, Valparaíso
There are no testimonies about this detention centre.
If you had a musical experience about this detention centre, please share it here!