885 results where found for «Tenencia de Carabineros Nueva España, Población San Gregorio»

Saint Gregory’s Tonada (Tonada San Gregorio)

Music piece by:
Pedro Humire Loredo
Testimony by:
Pedro Humire Loredo
« This tonada recalls the horrible situation I was subjected to in the cells of the police station in the San Gregorio district in southern Santiago. »
« Tenencia de Carabineros Nueva España, Población San Gregorio »
[Read full testimony]

Recinto: Tenencia de Carabineros Nueva España, Población San Gregorio
There are 1 testimonies about this detention centre.
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Recinto: Tenencia de Carabineros Alessandri, Maipú
There are no testimonies about this detention centre.
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Recinto: Tenencia de Carabineros, Santa Adriana
There are no testimonies about this detention centre.
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Recinto: Tenencia de Carabineros, San Pedro de la Paz
There are no testimonies about this detention centre.
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Recinto: Retén de Carabineros Población Zañartu, Chillán
There are no testimonies about this detention centre.
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Recinto: Retén de Carabineros, Baquedano (Actual Tenencia de Carabineros, Baquedano)
There are no testimonies about this detention centre.
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Recinto: Tenencia de Carabineros, María Elena
There are no testimonies about this detention centre.
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Recinto: Tenencia de Carabineros, Freirina
There are no testimonies about this detention centre.
If you had a musical experience about this detention centre, please share it here!

Recinto: Tenencia de Carabineros, Huasco
There are no testimonies about this detention centre.
If you had a musical experience about this detention centre, please share it here!