470 results where found for «Alfonsina y el mar»

Candombe for José (Candombe para José)

Music piece by:
Roberto Ternán
Testimony by:
Amelia Negrón
« We were in Pavilion 1. One of us came up with the idea, I can’t remember who. There were so many of us and we spent the day inventing and creating things! »
« Everything comes to an end. We picked up the poor ball, got into formation, and with our hearts racing, marched back to our cells. What a beautiful day, how lucky we were, what a blue sky! »
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To my Little Dove (A mi palomita)

Music piece by:
Teófilo Vargas Candia, popularised in Chile by the group Quilapayún
Testimony by:
David Quintana García
Experience in:
Cárcel de Rancagua, 1974 - 1975
« On 10 September 1974, a folk band of Communist Youth activists arrived at the prison of Rancagua. They were arrested to prevent them from participating in the demonstrations and other acts against the dictatorship on 11 September through their role as musicians and activists. They were freed on the 12th. They were arrested again in September 1975. »
« It made us laugh a lot that the police officers hurt their hands applauding the song. Their intellectual level was very low – some didn’t know how to count or write. Because of this, it was easy to do things without them realising. We even had a library of Marxist books. »
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How We Resemble Each Other (En qué nos parecemos)

Music piece by:
Unknown. Popularised by Quilapayún
Testimony by:
Scarlett Mathieu
« In Cuatro Álamos, I was profoundly marked by the singing of a current detained-disappeared named Juan Chacón. He sang ‘En qué nos parecemos’, a love song from the Spanish Civil War. It remained engraved in me because that comrade disappeared from Cuatro Álamos. »
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The Clock (El reloj)

Music piece by:
Roberto Cantoral
Testimony by:
Ana María Arenas
« The day I was captured, after the first torture session, I asked for permission to sing a Christmas carol, the name of which I cannot remember. I did it to let one of my captive friends know that I was also at the Venda Sexy. »
« Before being imprisoned, my friend and I rehearsed this Christmas carol in the Coro Mozart, where we sang. This choir was an amalgamation of members of the Coro de Cámara of the Universities of Chile, the Católica and the Técnica del Estado. »
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The Apparition (El aparecido)

Music piece by:
Víctor Jara
Testimony by:
Pedro Mella Contreras
« When they took me out to physiotherapy treatment, I sang some verses of the song ‘The Apparition’ loudly: »
« To this day, many things keep leaving a mark on us. »
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The Letter (La carta)

Music piece by:
Violeta Parra
Testimony by:
Pedro Mella Contreras
« In January 1987, when solitary confinement was lifted and we were able to receive visitors, a brother who lived in Santiago travelled to see me. »
« When he handed me the cassette, he said: ‘Here is a letter that will really leave a mark on you.’ And so it did. »
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Cantata Santa María de Iquique

Music piece by:
Luis Advis
Testimony by:
Alfonso Padilla
« Between March 1974 and July 1975, I had the opportunity to arrange about 200 songs and direct the production of the Cantata de Santa María de Iquique. In truth, the prison was my conservatoire. That’s where I learnt the basics of the profession of musician. »
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Trim the Sails (Brazas a ceñir)

Music piece by:
Luis Mella Toro
Testimony by:
César Montiel
« The Navy sailors made us sing every day, when we got up very early to raise the flag. We, as the squaddies, had to sing military songs, their songs. »
« One of the songs was ‘Brazas a ceñir’ (Trim the Sails), the hymn of the Army. We had to sing loud and spirited, as they said. We also had to sing the anthem ‘Lili Marlene’. Those who didn’t would receive a kick in the butt or a kick of the rifle. »
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Song to the Pampa (Canto a la pampa)

Music piece by:
poem by Francisco Pezoa Astudillo set to music by Quilapayún
Testimony by:
Renato Alvarado
Experience in:
« The first song that we managed to sing was Quilapayún's setting of the poem Canto a la Pampa (Song to the Pampa), by the anarchist poet Francisco Pezoa Astudillo, which recounts one of the bloodiest episodes of the class struggle in Chile: the massacre of the Santa María school in Iquique in December 1907. The prisoners of the large Room 13 of Cuatro Álamos camp sang it complete and as a chorus around February 1975. »
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Recinto: Cuartel de Investigaciones de Cauquenes, Calle Maipú Esquina Carrera y San Martín S/N
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