889 results where found for «Lago de los cisnes»
- Music piece by:Piotr Ilich Tchaikovski
- Testimony by:César Montiel
- Experience in:Colonia Dignidad, April 1975
- Tags:
- « In Colonia Dignidad, they played Swan Lake by
Tchaikovsky a lot. It was very repetitive. To several comrades, it reminds them of torture. It is not very enjoyable for us to listen to this piece at this life stage, because it transports us back to all the suffering, to what they did to us. »- [...]
- « Lago de los cisnes »
- [Read full testimony]
- Music piece by:Piotr Ilich Tchaikovski
- Testimony by:Carmen Espinoza Alegría
- Experience in:Colonia Dignidad, April 1975
- Tags:
- « When we arrived at Colonia Dignidad, they threw us into a shed. I despaired, took off my hood and a guard gave me a slap so hard that I fell to the ground. This was my arrival at the Colonia. »
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- « El lago de los cisnes »
- [Read full testimony]
- Music piece by:original by Friedrich von Schiller (lyrics) and Ludwig van Beethoven (music). Free version in Spanish by Amado Regueiro Rodríguez, aka Orbe (lyrics) y Waldo de los Ríos (music), popularised in Chile by Miguel Ríos.
- Testimony by:Luis Madariaga
- Experience in:Cárcel de Valparaíso, 1974 - 1976
- Tags:
- « In prison, we would sing the 'Ode to Joy' when a comrade was released or sent to exile. »
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- « original by Friedrich von Schiller (lyrics) and Ludwig van Beethoven (music). Free version in Spanish by Amado Regueiro Rodríguez, aka Orbe (lyrics) y Waldo de los Ríos (music), popularised in Chile by Miguel Ríos. »
- [Read full testimony]
- Music piece by:original by Friedrich von Schiller (lyrics) and Ludwig van Beethoven (music). Free version in Spanish by Amado Regueiro Rodríguez, aka Orbe (lyrics) y Waldo de los Ríos (music), popularised in Chile by Miguel Ríos.
- Testimony by:Amelia Negrón
- Experience in:Campamento de Prisioneros, Tres Álamos, 31 December 1975
- Tags:
- « Preparations for that Wednesday night became more intense. It would be a different night. We women prisoners had secretly organised ourselves, but more importantly, we had also coordinated with the male prisoners. »
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- « original by Friedrich von Schiller (lyrics) and Ludwig van Beethoven (music). Free version in Spanish by Amado Regueiro Rodríguez, aka Orbe (lyrics) y Waldo de los Ríos (music), popularised in Chile by Miguel Ríos. »
- [Read full testimony]
- Music piece by:original by Friedrich von Schiller (lyrics) and Ludwig van Beethoven (music). Free version in Spanish by Amado Regueiro Rodríguez, aka Orbe (lyrics) y Waldo de los Ríos (music), popularised in Chile by Miguel Ríos.
- Testimony by:Renato Alvarado Vidal
- Experience in:
- Tags:
- « Once upon a time, there was a good little wolf. … No. That’s another story. »
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- « original by Friedrich von Schiller (lyrics) and Ludwig van Beethoven (music). Free version in Spanish by Amado Regueiro Rodríguez, aka Orbe (lyrics) y Waldo de los Ríos (music), popularised in Chile by Miguel Ríos. »
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From the Poplars I have Come, Mother (De los álamos vengo, madre)
- Music piece by:Juan Vásquez
- Testimony by:Luis Cifuentes Seves
- Experience in:Campamento de Prisioneros Chacabuco, November 1973 - February 1974
- Tags:
- « Los de Chacabuco, a band created and conducted by Ángel Parra, performed this traditional Spanish song at the Chacabuco concentration camp. »
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- « From the Poplars I have Come, Mother (De los álamos vengo, madre) »
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- Music piece by:Celestino Carrasco
- Testimony by:Luis Cifuentes Seves
- Experience in:Campamento de Prisioneros Chacabuco, November 1973 - February 1974
- Tags:
- « This old Venezuelan song, written by an unknown songwriter, and that has had many variations, was performed by Los de Chacabuco in during the camp’s weekly show. »
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- « The Vargas War (La guerra de los Vargas) »
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- Music piece by:Los Prisioneros
- Testimony by:Eduardo Andrés Arancibia Ortiz
- Experience in:Cárcel de Santiago, 1986
- Tags:
- « I learnt about Los Prisioneros through the 'Hecho en Chile' programme on Radio Galaxia, presented by
Sergio 'Pirincho' Cárcamo . Their music became our trench and musical poetry, like all other forms of struggles against dictatorship. »- [...]
- « The Dance of Those Left Behind (El baile de los que sobran) »
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- Music piece by:José Agustín Goytisolo (lyrics) and Paco Ibáñez (music)
- Testimony by:Amelia Negrón
- Experience in:Campamento de Prisioneros, Tres Álamos, 1975 and 1976, until the closure of Tres Álamos
- Tags:
- « There were so many of us women prisoners. Despite the circumstances, we had managed to invent our own world, one with our rules, according to what we thought and wanted for ourselves, our families and all the Chilean people. »
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- « One song went like this: 'La vida es bella ya verás, como a pesar de los pesares, tendrás amigos, tendrás amor, tendrás amigos. Un hombre solo, una mujer, así tomados, de uno en uno, son como polvo, no son nada, no son nada'. (Life is beautiful you'll see, despite everything, you’ll have friends, find love, have friends. A man alone, a woman alone, are like dust, are nothing, are nothing.) »
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- Music piece by:Eusebio Lillo and Ramón Carnicer
- Testimony by:Sergio Vesely
- Experience in:
- Tags:
- « The Puchuncaví Prisoners Camp had a daily routine similar to that of military regiments. In a ridiculous ceremony, the flag was raised every morning at dawn and then it was taken down at nightfall. »
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- « But, looking at it with different eyes, it also was amusing, because it gave us another chance to sing at the top of our voices the line that goes: “Que o la tumba serás de los libres, o el asilo contra la opresión” (May you be the grave of the free or the refuge from oppression). »
- [Read full testimony]
- « I learnt about Los Prisioneros through the 'Hecho en Chile' programme on Radio Galaxia, presented by
- « In Colonia Dignidad, they played Swan Lake by